Depression Treatment

We all feel down from time to time, but depression is more than just feeling sad. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), more than 17 million American adults, which is approximately more than 7% of this country’s population, had experienced at least one depressive episode in the past year. While some of us can overcome a bad day, a person experiencing depressive episode may feel like they are pushing a giant boulder to move forward in their day for consecutive days. You may also start to engage in negative thinking and feel like you’re just going through the motions. Depression can be caused by various factors and symptoms also vary among individuals. Some typical symptoms of depression include the following:

- Feeling consistently depressed and hopeless

- Significant change in appetite (reduced appetite or increase in stress eating)

- Irritability

- Sleep disturbance (increased hours of sleep or sleep difficulty)

- Urge of crying or having bursts of crying spells

- Feeling low in energy and motivation during the day

- Poor concentration and memory

- Experiencing feelings of guilt, worthlessness, thoughts of being a burden to others

- Loss of interest and social isolation

- Diminished hygiene

- Suicidal thoughts or death wishes

It is common that people with depression can feel like they are alone and helpless. If you are feeling this way, you are not alone. Depression is definitely treatable and there are different treatment options for it. The first step of enhancing your well-being is reaching out for support.

To find out more on what would be the best approach to help you overcome depression, please call me today and we can discuss what treatment options would be the best fit for you to help you unravel tangles in this difficult time.

Note that if you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department for immediate help.