Anxiety Treatment

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, more than 40 million adults in the U.S. are affected by an anxiety related disorder. When we think of stress, we often overlook its association with anxiety and how it affects our capacity to manage our daily life. Examples of how anxiety may affect your day to day life may include: having challenges studying for a test, meeting new people, trying out new hobbies, maintaining good performance at work, ruminating about your worries when you’re trying to sleep, blanking out or losing your train of thought while in conversations; or constantly asking yourself “what if” questions.

To ease yourself, you might avoid situations or people that make you feel uncomfortable. Others may notice that you are more irritable and short-tempered. In some cases, you may also experience physical symptoms. Below are some typical physical symptoms that may occur:

- Feeling tense and fidgety

- Sweating or feeling “hot and cold”

- Chest pain or pressure

- Heart palpitations

- Shortness of breath

- Headaches, migraines, stomach cramps

- Having “out of body” experience

- Dizziness, feeling light headed or nauseous

All these described symptoms eventually affect your confidence to thrive and you might notice an increase of self criticism. Self-doubt sinks in and you start questioning your competence among your peers. Combined with the fast-paced and competitive lifestyle in the bay area, it’s no wonder you feel like you are falling behind in life.

As daunting as it sounds, the good news is that we all have anxiety and treatment can help you develop coping mechanisms to regain control of your life. If you are reading this right now, I am very confident to say that you are looking into ways to make positive changes so that you can live a stress free and anxiety free life.

If you are tired of letting anxiety control you, please call today to learn more and we can discuss how to tackle this so that you have effective tools to maximize the quality of your life.